Wedding Party
The Guys
Charles Druckman - Best Man
Charles has been a great friend over the past few years.
He's always willing to lend a helping hand - especially when it involves a chainsaw and improper footwear.
I have many fond memories of man-date-nights and summer sleep-overs with Charles.
Don't ever try to wake Charles from a slumber - the results are TERRIFYING... mostly for Charles.
Fun Fact: Kevin and Charles' song is "Embraceable You".
Fun Fact: Kevin and Charles' song is "Embraceable You".
Jon-Paul Marnien - Groomsman
Jon-Paul and I met during my sophomore year at Lafayette College.
I spent those few years getting to know the quiet, young man in the 504 cap.
After college, our friendship continued to grow while working together (40 hours/week) and drinking together (50 hours/week).
We've been on dozens of travel adventures together including trips to Texas, California, and Costa Rica.
I'm not at liberty to say why, but neither of us are allowed back into Costa Rica...
Mike Palumbo - Groomsman
Mike and I are so much like the same.
When you ask "You want ice cream?", we both say "YES!".
We share a love for puzzles and games - especially Rubik's Cubes and chess.
When all else fails, we make up a game and keep score.
In fact, Mike still owes me $5 for our 2010 tournament of "bounce a superball onto the top of an upside-down pint glass".
FYU - Mike's favorite acroynyms are FUDH, HBDB, and BCD.
FYU - Mike's favorite acroynyms are FUDH, HBDB, and BCD.
Tim Fargus - Groomsman
Tim and I have been friends since his freshman year at Lafayette College.
Between the movies and the video games, I was the reason that Tim almost failed out of college his sophomore year.
We once played Super Smash Bros. for 15 straight hours (we nearly missed Thanksgiving because of that) and
no one can rival us in Dr. Mario; except for Christine Jones - that girl has got mad skillz.
Nate Lonergan - Groomsman
In the few years that Nate and I have been friends, we've become quite close.
We met a few years back at an FSM Convention.
We were both dressed as pirates (much like everyone else), but somehow knew we had a lot in common:
our fondness for martinis, cheesecake, and short-shorts to name a few.
From Nate I learned a very valuable life lesson - although it's delicious, never, ever eat the fruit!
The Dolls
Elise Lattuca - Maid of Honor
Elise is my one and only sister.
We used to drive each other crazy when we had to share a room.
Now with Elise living halfway across the planet in London
we are the closest we have ever been.
We are both sadly vertically challenged but have overcome that
with both having a love for even shorter people, children.
I am so blessed that Elise will be celebrating our
big day right by my side.
Francesca Oliveira - Bridesmaid
Francesca (Cesca) is my sounding board. She has encouraged
me to pursue my goal of achieving my architecture license,
even when I try to derail her from the mission with wine and
soda bread. We have shared many wonderful times together
including all our travels to Portugal, Italy, Costa Rica
and Hawaii. I can't wait to party at the wedding with Cesca.
Stephanie Chace - Bridesmaid
Stephanie (Steph) is my long lost sister. I have been adopted
into her family by Mama Steph and Nana. We have enjoyed everything
from wine tasting to girl's night to Easter dinner. I even tried
Hula because of Steph, and it was so much fun! Steph and I have survived
many late nights (and the occasional all-nighter) in architecture studio,
which has properly prepared us for the wedding.. and the after-party..
and the after-after-party.
Jennifer Winters - Bridesmaid
Jennifer (JW) is my confidant. I can go to JW with anything small
or large and she's always willing to hear me out, even if I am just
complaining about running out of wine. I have been lucky enough
to watch JW's two beautiful girls grow up and become amazing young
women. JW has supported me during my career moves, after leaving
Philadelphia, and provided me with opportunities to grow through
her very own design company. I am thrilled to have JW by my side
when I marry my best friend.
Lindsay Lamarre - Bridesmaid
Lindsay (Linn) is my ally. Linn was actually Kevin's friend first and
I brought her over to the dark side. When I moved in with Kevin and
away from my friends in Philadelphia, Linn was one of the first girlfriends
I met. Linn and I were both unemployed, so we supported each other in our
job huntings. We may have been distracted by the occasional yoga workout or
tea date, but I am happy to say we are both now fully employed. It is going
to be a crazy party with Linn on the dance floor.